In your journey in life you will meet diffrent kinds of people you should know how to distingush diffrent kinds of man according to their types and deal them accordingly.Diffrent kinds of Man you will meet in your life are:
The Arrogant and Proud Man
Although he may initially disguise it, this man's touchy pride makes him very dangerous. Any perceived slight will lead to a vengeance of overwhelming violence. You may say to yourself, “But I only said such-and-such at a party, where everyone was drunk. ...” It does not matter. There is no sanity behind his overreaction, so do not waste time trying to figure him out. If at any point in your dealings with a person you sense an oversensitive and overactive pride, flee. Whatever you are hoping for from him isn't worth it.
The Hopelessly Insecure Man
This man is related to the proud and arrogant type, but is less violent and harder to spot. His ego is fragile, his sense of self insecure, and if he feels himself deceived or attacked, the hurt will simmer. He will attack you in bites tiiat will take forever to get big enough for you to notice. If you find you have deceived or harmed such a man, disappear for a long time. Do not stay around him or he will nibble you to death.
Another varient on the breed above, this is a future Joe Stalin. He sees what he wants to seeusually the worstin other people, and imagines that everyone is after him. Mr. Suspicion is in fact the least dangerous of the three: Genuinely unbalanced, he is easy to deceive, just as Stalin himself was constandy deceived. Play on his suspicious nature to get him to turn against odier people. But if you do become die target of his suspicions, watch out
The Serpent with a Long Memory
If hurt or deceived, this man will show no anger on the surface; he will calculate and wait. Then, when he is in a position to turn the tables, he will exact a revenge marked by a coldblooded shrewdness. Recognize this man by his calculation and cunning in the different areas of his life. He is usually cold and unaffectionate. Be doubly careful of this snake, and if you have somehow injured him, either crush him completely or get him out of your sight.
The Plain Unassuming, and Often Unintelligent Man
Ah, your ears prick up when you find such a tempting victim. But this man is a lot harder to deceive than you imagine. Falling for a ruse often takes intelligence and imagination sense of die possible rewards. The blunt man will not take die bait because he does not recognize it. He is diat unaware. The danger with this man is not that he will harm you or seek revenge, but merely that he will waste your time, energy, resources, and even your sanity in trying to deceive him. Have a test ready for a marka joke, a story. If his reaction is utterly literal, this is die type you are dealing with. Continue at your own risk.
Source: The 48 laws of Power By Robert Greene
Law No: 19