Types of genius people


What if I told you you are also a genius you may get confused(expectations are always there) so. Today I am going to share the types of genius from the book Limitless which is a masterpiece by the author Jimkwik. So let's get started.

1) Dynamo genius

These are the person who expresses their geniuses through creativity and ideas, one of the examples of  Dynamo genius are Shakespeare and Einstein Dynamo geniuses are those we most commonly think of when we think of geniuses.

2) Blaze genius

According to the author Jim, these are the people who become genius through their ability to clearly interact with other people. An example of Blaze's genius is Oprah Winfrey she is a genius because of her
extraordinary ability to connect with the hearts, minds, and souls of a wide range of individuals. 
another example of Blaze genius is Malala’s blaze genius expresses itself through her ability to make her story relatable to people all around the globe. Blaze geniuses tend to be master communicators.

3) Tempo genius

These types of geniuses are the people who express themself to see the big picture and stay on track. Some examples of tempo genius are Nelson Mandela was a tempo genius because he was capable of seeing the wisdom of his vision even in the face of overwhelming odds. Mother Teresa’s tempo
genius allowed her to imagine better circumstances for those around her even at the darkest times. Tempo geniuses tend to understand the long view in ways that most of those around them cannot.

4)Steel genius

According to the author Jimkwik, genius people are brilliant at sweating the small stuff and
doing something with the details that others missed or couldn’t envision are called steel genius. An example of a steel genius is Sergey Brin used his genius at seeing the potential of large
amounts of data to co-found Google. 


You all are genius on your terms the one thing you must figure out is which type of genius are you and work accordingly.

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