FASTER Method of Learning From the book Limitless


As I was reading the book Limitless I Learned the FASTER method of learning which I am going to share today.

1 F stands for Forget

You might also be confused as me. Why do memory champion and speed reading experts tell you to forget, So let's clear your doubt? He says to forget three things to us let's learn all of them

i) Forget What You Know

It's obvious that you can get doubt here also as he says to forget what you know about the topic he says to forget the things you know about the topic temporarily. As a popular saying, a full vessel can't hold more water so he tells you to empty your mind so you can get most of the topic and it will be easy to grab the information present in it.

ii) Forget about your situations

Author Jim says that you have to forget about your situations for better learning you have to forget your all works and activities which are not important and be focused on the thing you are learning.

iii) Forget about your Limit

Author Jim says you to forget your limitations created and think of yourself and your brain as limitless and never compromise your learning journey.

2) A stands for Act

Author Jim says that there are two types of learners the one who learn actively and the one who learns passively. He says that you should be an active reader who learns through taking real-life examples and you can get the memory stored easily

3) S stands for State

Author Jim says that the state of your mind and the state of your emotions also depend upon your learning capability. The two states of your life emotional and mental help you to obtain information if it's healthy else they can be your enemy to so focus on improving mental and emotional health.

4) T stands for Teach

Author Jim says to us to learn in that scene that we can teach people what we have learned so that we can have two benefits 1) We can read the content two times and correct our mistakes. 2) It helps us to boost our self-confidence and communication skills. (As I am doing Now)

5)E stands for Enter

Author Jim says us to enter our all-important and learning activities in the calendar so that we can be on time for all our things which are needed.

6) R stands for Review

Author Jim wants us to review the things we have learned so that we can't be beaten by the Forgetting Curve and learn the thing for a long time.

If You Have Any Recommendation Please Let Me Know

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