Importance of Books in Our Life - Saugat Pokhrel


Books play a vital role in our life almost everything you see in your daily life is an appliance of the knowledge from books. You can learn many more things in your life from books and live your dream life, for example, you have seen all billionaires give their credit to their mentors and the book they have read and many billionaires read at least some pages of books every day you can take the example of Warren Buffet he reads 500+ pages of a book per day and Bill Gates has think week where he lives alone with books where he can get his best ideas. So let's get deep into this topic.


You all know the importance of knowledge and experiences by the two things you must be able to know the value of the thing that contains both of them. Books consist of the knowledge and experiences of the best people in their industry and you all know you all can't experience and learn everything in your own life so you have to take the help of experienced people in the field, Books also provide you the important insights of life which will be helpful in your future. 

What Type of books I am Referring

The books you read will depend on your goal and nature, For example, If your goal is to be a wonderful investor then you should read Financial and Self-improvement books, If you read fiction will achieve your goal as you planned and vice-versa for a person who wants to be a Fiction Writer so the type depends upon your nature and goal. And they are not the books we are told to rote in schools the books I am referring to must be known to the depth and apply to our own life.

How to choose the best books for you

Now you know the best genre for you to read, Now the next challenge is to find the best books to read Now to find the best books to read you need to divide your Genre into its basic parts too For example the most common division in Genres are Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced the three criteria apply to most of the things. Now you need to do your own research where do you lie and find the best books in your criteria. 


Books have the power to change your life forever you need the ability to select the best book in your field and get the knowledge from it and apply it to your life and see the magic happen. We will cover more benefits In another article because a powerful tool can't be summarized in an article. You can see here if other articles are published
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