If you are working in the field of money or the internet you probably may know about Referral Marketing or Referral programs.
What is Referral Marketing?
For those who are wondering what is referral marketing, it is the way to market your product through power Word of mouth marketing which gives you more loyal customers, now let's talk about how you can get most of Referral marketing.
Types of Payments from Referral Marketing
Now let's first talk about the types of Payments Referral Marketing you can use.
1) Continuous Payment.
2) Single time payment
Continuous Payment:
In this method, you can give or get Continuous payment through when the person you refer makes some payment you get some percentage of the profit through the company.
Single time payment:
In this method, you can get a single time payment from the completion of registration of the person you refer, In this method, you can get some flaws like the same person can make fake identity and register as a referred.
Different types of Benefits
1) One-way Benefit: In this method, you only get paid your referred doesn't get any benefits.
2) Two-way Benefit: In this method, you and you're referred both get benefits.
You can make benefits as an Affiliate Marketer or as a company through the power of referral you only need a proper way to market your ideas and for business now you can make a proper selection of which way you are going to design your referral programs.