How does Global Semi Conductor Chip Affects You?


 There has been a global chip conductor in the world now. As of lockdown that occurred in 2020. So there had been no semiconductor chip production in the year 2020 and that's why the shortage began. Samsung had warned it to all in last's of February.

What may be the causes

As said there is a global semiconductor chip from the first of the year 2021. Now let's see some causes:

1) Lockdown.
2)More demand due to work from home.
3) Cryptocurrency miners.
4) More gaming Related Events.

How does It affect you?

There is a semi-conductor shortage all around the world. The semiconductor is the main part of electronics devices. So it's obvious the price of all the electronics will automatically go up, And when you buy some electronics you need to pay more price than the normal one.

Time to Recover

As it is the shorage due to the lockdown that happened in a whole year and the demand had increased in the same year so the demand and supply couldn't be completed. According to the experts, the time to recover is around two years.


Now we have talked about the problems and the causes now let's discuss the solutions:

1) Increasing the production rate.
2)Not buying electronics until need.


The global shortage of semiconductor chips has occurred due to the lockdown that happened in the year 2020 so you need to be conscious regarding your spending in the context of this time.

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